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Illustrated textual Bible studies for the whole family.
children’s bible study challenge
The Childrens Bible Study challenge is to provide Bible study (Bible scriptures) material for home, family, home school and Sunday School studies all over the world for children (kids), teens and adults…with emphasis on Jesus the Christ. True religion is important. The Bible scriptures are true, inspiring and motivating. There are in-depth Bible studies and Bible Activities that correspond to each home or Bible class study that are very good lesson plans for Sunday School and other studies.
Kids like the animation and color. There are Bible studies for children and adults…evidences, a dictionary, topical studies like the church, the rapture, true religion, the gods of of Egypt during the exodus, the Sabbath, heaven, hell and much more. These studies of Bible scriptures are easily adapted to home, home school, family or Bible class study. The story of Jesus reveals his character, love and passion for the church. All of this is about Bible truth, based on Bible scripture, and now we react to it. Jesus is shown to be the Son of God. The church is the one body of Christ on earth based on the pattern of truth found in the Bible…and Jesus is the head. It is a clear Bible truth that God wants there to be only one church…with Jesus as the head.
We make Bible study exciting and easy…and encourages Bible study in the home and among friends. These studies are used in Sunday Schools and home schools all over the world, which means we make friends for truth all over the world…in at least 178 countries. All these friends are searching for true religion.
Bible teachers are using the activities and ideas in childrens bible study in Sunday School, home schools and other classes all over the world. These Bible activities are graphic and colorful…excellent for home schooling and other group studies. There are thousands of Bible activities, including games, crosswords, seek-and-find, coloring pages, activity pages, fill-in-the-blanks and audio presentations. Old Testament and New Testament Bible scriptures provide studies that are covered in great detail with the same kind of Bible activities for kids (children) teens and adults alike. The Bible stories and activities are great for family and Sunday School Bible class studies…and don’t forget home schooling. There are approximately 12,000 places to study the Bible in this children’s Bible study, family emphasis. And there are many studies for teens and adults.
We literally make friends for truth with our Ask Uncle Noah section that answers Bible questions. Kids and adults searching for true religion asking Bible questions is very important to Bible study. Asking Uncle Noah is not intimidating…and excellent for questions that are asked in Sunday School, home schools, family and any other studies. We are delighted to be able to come into your home and study Bible scriptures with your family. We are encouraged as many children (kids), teens and adults are studying this Bible material, and using the Bible activities in Sunday School and other Bible classes all over the world. Dynamic Bible truths are presented in our emphasis at The movies make Bible studies and truths challenging, but easier to understand. You can join the childrens Bible study family in your home and with your friends…as you search for true religion and a true relationship with Jesus. The ultimate goal is to present Jesus as the only savior of the world.